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Tracking sessions and statistics per project

Usually you want to be able to separate your metrics and sessions for different dev projects as well as per deployments. PromptWatch allows you to define a tracking_project at the code level, in order to distinguish between different code bases as well as different environments (typically DEV vs PROD).

How to define your tracking_project

All you need is to define tracking_project attribute when creating PromptWatch context.

from promptwatch import PromptWatch

my_chain = build_chain()
with PromptWatch(tracking_project="define_your_project_id") as pw:
my_chain("The quick brown fox jumped over")

Or you can simply define it as an ENV variable PROMPTWATCH_TRACKING_PROJECT

Now all the sessions can be filtered based on the Tracking project and also all the metrics can be separated by this attribute (costs, number of errors etc.).


tracking_project has to be max 256 char long and without white-spaces