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Privacy policy


  • We won't share your data with anyone except when you explicitly ask us to
  • Data you upload to our platform is your property
  • Data you create on our platform (including models) is your property
  • We collect anonymized information about how our products is being used (like what features are being used what often etc), in order to improve the UX
  • We might use google analytics or similar service to track general information about our users and visitors
  • We might contact you with promotional offer or information regarding new features if you won't ask us not to do so


We has created this privacy statement (“Statement”) in order to demonstrate our commitment to customer privacy. Privacy on is of great importance to us. Because we gather important information from our visitors and customers, we have established this Statement as a means to communicate our information gathering and dissemination practices. We reserve the right to change this Statement and will provide notification of the change at least thirty (30) business days prior to the change taking effect.

Collected Information

We require customers who use our services of to give us contact information, such as their name, company name, address,e­mail address, and billing information, such as billing name and address in order to issue invoice.

We may collect anonymized information about usage of our products and features in order to improve the user experience of our product.

We also collect email for individuals and their organisations who might be interested in using our product. We may also use the information to contact customers to further discuss customer interest the Service that we provide, and to send information regarding our company such as promotions and events. Customers can opt out of being contacted by us, or receiving such information from us, at any time.

We may also collect certain information from visitors and customers of the out website, such as url that has been requested. This information is logged to help diagnose technical problems, and to administer our Site in order to constantly improve the quality of the Service. We may also track and analyses non­identifying and aggregate usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and customers and provide such information to third parties.

Data ownership

Data uploaded to as a file, API or via one of our integrations to partner products (“Customer Data”) will never be shared with any third party unless customer will provide an exlicit consent. Will not review, share, distribute, print, or reference any such Customer Data with exception of the law requirement. Individual records may at times be viewed or accessed only for the purpose of resolving a problem, support issue, or as may be required by law. Of course, customers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their user registration and password.

If a user elects to use our referral service for inviting a friend to our site, we track the user-id from whom was this invite created and it could be back-tracked to the user that created the invite.


We are not using cookies natively in but we use analytical services of third parties to track and analyse non­personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from visitors to our website to help us administer our website and improve its quality. Such third parties may use cookies to help track visitor behavior. Such cookies will not be used to associate individual website visitors to any personally identifiable information. All data collected by such third parties is used only to provide us with information on site usage and is not shared with any other third parties.


All communication via the public internet is encrypted via https protocol. The data stored on the servers are not encrypted, due to performance limitations. But access to these data is possible only via secure (encrypted) channels and limited only to the customer and thrusted selected individuals within our company and these data will only be reviewed in order to resolve particular issue of customer after his explicit request.

Opt­Out Policy

We offer our visitors and customers a means to choose how we may use information provided. You might opt out from contacting you directly for any other reason except the billing (if you are our customer).

You may also ask us to delete any of your data anytime. All the data that you will delete with via the standard user interface will be deleted immediately or in the next cleanup cycle. Some data might still remain in backup systems and these will be automatically deleted within 60 days after the deletion of original data.